
Archive for the ‘Getting something done’ Category

To be even more Clear…

2010-06-24 49 comments

The last blog post sparked discussions in many arenas. Instead of addressing the points on each channel, I think it’s better to address them right here. I’m not covering new territory, this is clarification.

  • What I have experienced from the Tech in Scientology has been very workable. I have seen very little that didn’t work on me. I am very thankful for all my gains in Scientology.
  • I have personally seen examples of Tech not working on others or having a negative effect on others – even when they got, as far as I can see, Standard Tech.
  • I see inconsistencies in the Tech and I believe it to be overly complex. I believe there must be a simpler method of addressing the problems of the simplest of sources; You.
  • I believe in the free will of man and that the free market will decide what works. Hence, I advocate Open Source Scientology (both connotations).
  • I think the validity of any Tech can be shown scientifically – and it should. But absence of scientific evidence does not counter the workability of a Tech. Beyond that, your personal gain is for you to validate. Anything can work. Scientology very often does.
  • I see much good in the Admin policies from LRH. But destructive policies should be rooted out. This obviously goes for anything destructive in Ethics or Tech as well. Keep the good, reject the bad.
  • I see much good in Scientology Ethics – as long as it is kept as a personal tool for improvement and not as a tool of force applied to others.
  • I see flaws in Hubbard. I see genius in Hubbard. I see that many have serious issues separating the man from his work. Newton’s work is not invalidated by the man being seriously flawed.
  • To those claiming “Isene is slowly waking up from Scientology”, I can only say this: I am quite awake and has been for some time – having objected to stupidity and abuses while in the church. I will however not enter the daze of negativity where anything bad about Scientology is treated as gospel. Differentiation is the key.
  • As for the discussions sparked by the last blog post, I didn’t think I would see the day when ESMB would out-rabid WWP.
  • The “all good” or “all bad” are equal signs of insanity.

And this pretty much concludes an era of blogging for me. I will let this blog simmer down. I will let my IT blog wither. And I will erect a new blog merging all my fields of interest – Scientology and exploration of free will, IT and consumer rights, patent and copyright abolishment, philosophy and logic, art and music, mathematics and quantum mechanics, programming and HP calculators, nature and beauty.

Stay tuned. You will be invited over to my new home for a housewarming party.

Report from OSLO

2010-05-18 14 comments

A quick overview of the OSLO meeting:

7 nations were present among the 12 attendants. 25 people were confirmed but several peeled off en the last couple of weeks. Ages ranging from 22 – 80, both independents since the early 80’s and a couple only recently (last week or so) out. New friendships were made. Party and caek.

All but one

Topics covered:

  • How to help those on the inside wake up (got a good plan for this)
  • Leaving the takedown of DM to those who can actually pull it off.
  • Get the message out that there are better alternatives for getting tech on the outside (fear of not getting their Bridge is the main reason why people stay and tolerate human rights abuses)
  • Creating a rating system for independent delivery units/individuals (something the church will never have)
  • How to effectively release the tech on the Net (excellent plan on this)
  • Manning up a couple of cool adventures (more on this later)

Thanks to my new friends 🙂

See also Silvia’s blog post.

Batman & the Mighty Claire

2010-05-12 4 comments

Robin is the sidekick of Batman. But who is Batman the sidekick of?

The Mighty Claire – and she is the new sheriff in town.

The Scientology Forum ( is gracefully turned over to the new partnership. While Claire Swazey will be the forum administrator, Jeff Batman will handle the technical and back-end matters. Together they will provide the future for the forum – the most prominent neutral ground for courteous discussion of Scientology on the Internet. It is the open forum for Scientologists, both inside the CoS and Independants and Freezoners and critics alike. It is a vehicle for free speech on the subject of Scientology.

Gotham should be safe in their hands.

Claire & Batman; you have the torch.

Shifting gears

2010-05-02 22 comments

After leaving the Church of Scientology on 2009-08-07, I started blogging a week later. Six months ago, in the beginning of November I started The Scientology Forum ( to create a neutral ground for courteous discussions on Scientology.

While it has been good to have something different than a nay-saying-board or a critic-quenching space, it is still less productive to talk than to act. Many discussions on TSF have brought light on important subjects within Scientology. Sure, there are those who post there to preach and to sell a thesis rather than participating in a debates to learn and to grow. But the wealth of valuable exchange of viewpoints have produced some interesting epiphanies amongst the participants.

The Internet atmosphere regarding Scientology leans heavily toward stopping the abuses perpetrated by the Church of Scientology. While this is important, I know I work best on the positive, constructive side rather than opposing and trying to stop something bad. I like creating artwork and music. I like to write. And I like to help people. These are what makes life thrilling for me. When I focus on helping others, life is the most enjoyable.

The realization I am trying to convey here has been accented by people like Terril Park who is constantly sending out success stories from Scientology delivery outside of the church. And the growing number of delivery units servicing people with positive Scientology.

I will be giving the Scientology Forum to someone else. I will focus on helping people I like. And life will be more fun.

For those attending the OSLO round-table conference on May 16, I have something up my sleeve. I need a few more trained Scientologists for a potentially big task. If you are one, please consider yourself urged to attend.

Life is amazing when you follow your heart. May you have an amazing future.

OSLO May 16 – Confirmations

2010-04-11 Comments off

OSLO: Operation Scientology Lineup, Oslo

I have a list of some 25 attendees for the upcoming
round-table conference in Oslo on May 16.

The conference does not have a set agenda with prepared speeches. The aim is for all to sit down and work out some strategies as to how the current scene in Scientology can be handled.

It is time to get the final list of attendees ready – with e-mail addresses so that I can send out details about the venue etc. For now it will suffice to say that it will be held in down-town Oslo.

The conference will start at noon (12:00) and go until 17:00 whereupon we all go for a dinner.

Those who want, can stay for the next day’s spectacle;
The Norwegian Constitution Day.

All attendees cover their own expenses. Attendance to the conference is free. I cover the venue expenses. The price for staying at a hotel from the 16th to the 17th would be around USD 100.

Please confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail to

Media: Major coverage in Norway’s biggest newspaper (“VG”)

2010-03-21 Comments off

Front page of the weekend magazine + 9 page article. This could very well be the biggest coverage of Scientology ever in Norway.

Find the 5 main pages of the article translated over at The Scientology Forum (

Not forgetting the positive efforts made…

2010-03-20 Comments off

…by thousands of scientologists world-wide.

There is a great amount of excellent work done by staff and public scientologists all over the world. Apart from seeking their own spiritual progress, there are many in the Church of Scientology lending their efforts to helping their fellow man – to free the abuser from drug addiction, to aid those in need, to help children learn to read and write and scores of other causes well worth dedicating oneself to.

This is highly commendable. It is excellent effort deserving applause.

That the church management is exploiting these efforts for money, PR, positioning and power does not take away the value of those individual efforts. But it is cynical to the extreme to take advantage of these good intentions to further a monopoly and to tighten the grip on the public parishioners.

The valiant efforts of many scientologists would be even more valuable without the self-serving management breaking human rights and going against Scientology itself.

(This is the 100th post of this blog)

The Scientology Forum passes the 10000 mark

2010-03-09 1 comment

With more than 10000 posts after its inception 4 months ago, has established itself as a unique place on the Internet.

It is one of the very few places where people can freely discuss Scientology in a balanced environment free from trolling, mud-throwing and exposure to upper level confidential material.

The posts are of high quality – thought provoking and sometimes mind boggling – from detailed discussions on the e-meter, auditing tech, Scientology basics and wins from outside the church to discussions of the CST vaults, current church management and the current scene within the church and to discussions on logic, theta, reincarnation and subjective versus objective truth.

I take my hat off to the contributors. They have shown that it is possible to co-create a high quality forum for discussion on Scientology – something the current church will never approve of as they are firmly opposed to such free speech.

Thank you all, and a personal thanks to the moderators who have made my life easier.

The Scientology Forum

Announcing: OSLO May 16

2010-02-21 Comments off

OSLO: Operation Scientology Lineup, Oslo

I hereby announce a Scientology round table conference in Oslo on the 16th of May 2010.

The purpose of the conference is to see if we could make a plan for Scientology’s future. Independents and freezoners alike would be invited to a day of talks and to forge strategies to handle the current scene.

There will be no speeches and no set agenda except for the above. Each participant covers his or her cost (travel, room & board). No entrance fees (I will cover the conference space at a suitable hotel).

The following day, on the 17th of May you can witness the Norwegian national holiday – a spectacle worth seeing.

Oslo, 17th of May

If you are interested in a day of fun, meeting highly trained independent practitioners, OTs, former executives of the church and others interested in putting Scientology straight, simply drop me an e-mail:

You may ask for your attendance to be anonymous up until the conference day.

Book release: Six months in the open

2010-02-11 Comments off

I have just compiled my first six months of blogging into a book titled “Six months in the open”. I have added new background information giving the reader an insight into why some articles were written and bits and pieces not covered before.

It’s a short walk over to my home page, to grab yourself a PDF copy of the book. The book is free. No strings attached.